notable edibles

Come for the Zucchini, Stay for the Picnic

By | June 08, 2022
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Kat Jackson has worked her family’s farm in Green Hill since she was big enough to grab a snow pea. The Jacksons sold farm-grown fruits and veggies at The Farmer’s Wagon in Charlestown for 38 summers. In 2011, Kat and husband Blake Holland moved the farm stand to West Beach Road (next to Route 1), and, in November 2021, they opened a large post-and-beam barn on that property to become a year-round market, bakery and café, called Quonnie Farms. They still farm 20 acres in Green Hill, but they’ve gradually added blueberry bushes and flower patches, plus greenhouses and a workshop at the Quonochontaug location. They hired veteran baker Ian Cappelano and seasoned chef Dan Hultquist to create from-scratch baked goods—and “scratch” means using air-captured yeast near the blueberries or salt pond to ferment the sourdough starter for whole-grain boules, focaccia, ciabatta ... and pizza. They offer breakfasts and sandwiches with local eggs, cheeses, prosciutto, pea shoots and ... lots of veggies. Grab some Seaworthy coffee with a flaky croissant or a baguette with Vermont cheese and olives. Even heartier (and scrumptious) are the sandwiches: mozzarella/tomato/fresh basil on ciabatta; tuna with pickled veggies on whole grain; ham with fresh greens on a baguette. The market stocks many local pantry products, plus the farm’s seasonal produce and flowers. Outside tables with a view of the sunflower fields will beckon beachgoers and roadside travelers alike.

16 West Beach Rd., Charlestown.
Summer hours: Daily, 8 am–6 pm

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